We provide Mastery in:

Tax Preparation, Business Growth,
Wealth Management, College Planning, Retirement Planning, And So Much More!

Call us today at: 212-247-9090

The Peace of Mind Solution

With all that we do, we also know that, while we prepare taxes, tax plans, financial plans, and college plans, we are not in the “Tax Business,” or the “Financial Solutions” business.

We are in the “Peace of Mind” Business.

As part of our Premium Service, you may ask questions about your taxes and finances year-round at no additional cost. While we may charge to create a tax or financial plan, an amended return or to represent you (heaven forbid) in an audit, all tax and financial questions are included with Premium Service.

We have invested substantially in software, systems, and staff to serve you better, faster, and more efficiently.

Tax laws keep changing, and our team of experts stay on top of these new changes throughs dozens of hours of Continuing Professional Education to maintain their expertise.  

We work AS A TEAM.  No matter who prepares your tax returns, you have access to our entire team.


Constantly improving to serve you even better.

Bigger Office

Our larger office and waiting room allow for proper social distancing, so we will be able to see you in person to go over your tax returns, or by Zoom or phone if preferred. We hope to see you in person!

Improved Accuracy

We have invested in sophisticated software that integrates with our tax software to prevent keystroke errors and provide even more accurate returns.

Faster Answers

We have added staff to make sure your calls get answered quickly, and your questions get answered efficiently.

New Portal

We have invested in a state-of-the-art portal system that is a great improvement over the old one.

Your year does not end on April 15th and neither does ours.

Providing Year-Round Premium Financial Service for our clientele. We now include the tax return as a part of our premium service.

“We Would Rather Put Out A Fire In The Summer Or Fall
Than Sift Through The Ashes In April!”

We have no barrier of entry for talking to us in the off-season. We are open all year round. We will continue to offer you consultations for financial advice as part of our service.

Receive One-on-One Personal Service

We will help you answer all the questions you may have about your financial future.

Registered Representative of and securities offered through Innovation Partners, .llc, 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 140, Charlotte, NC, 28210, (704)708-5461. Member FINRA/SIPC. TaxMaster Financial Services is not affiliated with Innovation Partners, llc. For additional information, please visit FINRA BrokerCheck. Innovation Partners, llc. (IPL), member FINRA /SIPC, and its affiliated insurance agencies offer securities, advisory services, and certain insurance products and are not affiliated with TaxMaster Financial Services. IPL does not provide tax or legal advice.  https://brokercheck.finra.org/ Innovation Partners llc. Privacy PolicyInnovation Partners Customer Relationship Summary Important Consumer Information: This site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a solicitation or offering of any security and; 1. Representatives of a broker-dealer ("BD") or investment advisor ("IA") may only conduct business in a state if the representatives and the BD or IA they represent (a) satisfy the qualification requirements of, and are approved to do business by, the state; or (b) are excluded or exempted from the state's licensure requirements. 2. Representatives of a BD or IA are deemed to conduct business in a state to the extent that they provide individualized responses to investor inquiries that involve (a) affecting, or attempting to affect, transactions in securities; or (b) rendering personalized investment advice for compensation. Image Credit


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